Deck the Halls with Style: Plunkett Homes’ Christmas Styling Trends for 2023

Plunkett News

Plunkett Homes showcase excellence across the Great Southern and South West

Quality is often an important factor when you set out to build a new home. Along with exceptional customer service throughout your journey. We were pleased to receive multiple awards at both the 2023 HIA-CSR Regional Housing Awards and at the 2023 Master Builders Association (MBA) of WA Commonwealth Bank Building Excellence Awards Great Southern […]

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Building Advice

How To Create a Federation-Style Home

The Federation home design certainly stands the test of time. These regal, elegant homes have provided classic heritage charm in Australia for over a hundred years. There’s something about the timelessness of Federation homes that keeps the Federation style popular even with new home builds today. And with the addition of contemporary features and design […]

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Building Advice

What To Consider When Building a Multigenerational Home

Already common in many countries and cultures, multigenerational homes are gaining popularity here in Australia. From cost savings to enhanced social connection and affordable childcare, there are many benefits of building a multi-family home.  Here at Plunkett Homes, we pride ourselves on being a multigenerational home builder that you can count on. Your whole family […]

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Building Advice

Timeless Home Design & Principles: Inspiration from Federation Homes

A timeless design simply never goes out of style. Achieved by matching elements of functionality with classic design features, timeless design styles, such as those of Federation homes, portray a strong sense of elegance. One of the key facets of timeless design is remaining understated. As such, the latest coming-and-going trends must be ignored while […]

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Building Advice

How to maximise spaces for a narrow lot home

Narrow lot homes are proving increasingly popular in modern home designs. Equal parts, affordable and adaptable, narrow lot homes have the unique ability to help homeowners build in premium locations.  While the home may be on a narrow lot, there are different techniques that homeowners can employ to maximise space. In fact, by utilising different […]

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Building Advice

How To Choose The Right Floorplan To Suit Your Lifestyle

Building a new home is one of the most important decisions of your life. To ensure your home is exactly as you want, you need to choose the right floorplan.  A home floorplan gives a bird’s eye view of a house and highlights the relationships between each room including walls, doorways, windows, and entrances. Selecting […]

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Building Advice

How To Create A Hamptons-Style Home

The Hamptons style home is a classic design that combines modern elegance with coastal chic. The overall look and feel of a Hamptons home is cool, classic, and sophisticated. The exteriors are typically recognised for their gabled roofs, large verandahs, and weatherboard cladding. The Hamptons style interior is usually bright and whitewashed, with lots of […]

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Building Advice

From Traditional to Contemporary: The 120-Year Design Evolution of Our Federation Homes

The Federation design and architecture of Australian homes remain timeless, despite first coming into fashion in the early 1900s! Back then, the Federation home style drew upon elements of European architectural design with embellishments of Art Noveux and was designed to embrace the outdoor lifestyle of the Australian people. Nowadays, modern Federation home designs still […]

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Client Story

Peter and Peta

Have filled their Plunkett home with stories over 35 years.

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Client Story

Anjana and Gajan

Always dreamt of building a Hamptons oasis for their family.

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Client Story

Winifred and Peter

A Plunkett Homes ad in the local paper lead Winifred and Peter to move from England to Perth.

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Client Story

Marisa and Chris

Together Marissa and Chris built their ideal home for family gatherings.

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