Deck the Halls with Style: Plunkett Homes’ Christmas Styling Trends for 2023

Home & Interior Design

Explore Mid-Century House Design with Plunkett Homes

With an emphasis on clean lines and wide-open spaces, the Mid-Century house effortlessly applies to modern Australian living. Not only does this timeless style perfectly suit today’s modern standards for architectural design but it also invites a welcomed warmth and nostalgia that adds interest to any home. With the incorporation of open-floor plans, mid-century house […]

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Home & Interior Design

Deck the Halls with Style: Plunkett Homes’ Christmas Styling Trends for 2023

As the holiday season approaches, we’d love to help you sprinkle some festive magic into your homes. Picture this: your halls decked to perfection, tinsel sparkling like summer sunshine, and as you step back you realise your efforts have transformed your space into a visually stunning celebration of warmth, love, and togetherness.   Setting the […]

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Building Advice

Drop zone areas for those bits and bobs

Practical for busy households, drop zones ensure you will never be left searching for your keys or your wallet while in a mad dash out the door. Plunkett Homes Design Team Leader Adam Kelly said drop zones were a conveniently located nook designed for the placement and storage of all the bits and bobs we […]

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Building Advice

The Best House Design for Narrow Lot Homes Recommended by the Experts

As more people realise the untapped potential of narrow-lot living, there is a rise in the number of narrow lot homes being built in Perth. These homes offer a unique opportunity to live in a modern, stylish homes without compromising on location or affordability. However, the limited width of these lots can present a challenge […]

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Building Advice

Tips for Living in a Multigenerational Home

Multigenerational living is on the rise all across Australia. Whether you’re looking to save money during tough economic times or wanting to forge closer ties with family, moving into a home as a family unit is growing in popularity.  Living in a multigenerational dwelling can offer people of all ages with a host of benefits. […]

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Building Advice

Discover Maximum Living On A Narrow Block with the Brighton

Emanating a polished and contemporary coastal aesthetic, the Brighton display home by Plunkett Homes offers the best of beachside luxury and comfort. This home sets a benchmark for a liveable and functional narrow lot design drawing inspiration from elegant seaside influences. According to Plunkett Homes Design Team Leader Adam Kelly, the three-bedroom, two-bathroom abode boasts […]

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Building Advice

Celebrating Success in Perth Metro for Plunkett Homes

Choosing to build a new home is an exciting journey, but we understand that finding the perfect builder for your dream home can be a bit overwhelming. Which is why our team at Plunkett Homes always work to make you feel comfortable at every stage of the design and construction process. Over the weekend, our […]

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Building Advice

Internal courtyards central to family unity

While alfresco areas are traditionally placed at the back of the home for efficiency sake, a centrally located one can enhance the flow of your floor plan and increase aesthetic appeal. “Generally speaking, the alfresco situated towards the back is the most straight forward and cost effective way to design a home,” Plunkett Homes Design […]

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Building Advice

Eco-Friendly House Design: Blending Sustainability with Modern Home Design

When designing a house there are a lot of different factors to consider. From the facade of the home to the internal fixtures and fittings, everything needs to work together to encapsulate a certain aesthetic.  In the pursuit of your preferred  design style, it can be easy to overlook  elements of home design such as […]

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Building Advice

How To Choose The Block Of Land For Your Subdivision Plan – A Tip For Investors

When building an investment portfolio, there are a variety of different options to choose from. You may opt to build an investment strategy around stocks and bonds, or look to the property market to make financial returns both in the present and in the future.  One property investment strategy is subdivision. Rather than purchasing one […]

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Building Advice

Building Upwards: The Advantages and Challenges of Building a Two-Storey Home

The process of building a home is a journey. From choosing the right parcel of land and designing the floorplan to deciding on an interior design style and picking the fixtures and fittings to match, each stage of the process is lovingly involved. The end result is well worth it, especially when building a two-storey […]

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Building Advice

Things To Consider When Buying a House and Land Package

With the ability to utilise a block of land to its full potential, a house and land package in Perth can help you to build a house that maximises space and flow while meeting your personal tastes and lifestyle. Extensive customisation options paired with a streamlined building process means that you can build your dream […]

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