
Bookara is a small town 351 kilometres north-northwest of Perth, and around 40 minutes south of Geraldton. You can travel up from Perth on the Brand Highway.

The town is located at the mouth of the Irwin River, and has several beautiful beaches including 9 Mile Beach and 7 Mile Beach.

It has many popular attractions, including Dongara Activity Park, and the area is marketed as the ‘Rock lobster capital of Australia’.

As it’s close to the bigger town of Geraldton there are more amenities nearby.

House prices remain steady and the current population sits around 120, with the highest proportion being aged 50+, the second highest age range being 35-49, and the third highest age group being aged 0-18 as of 7 November 2023*

If Bookara sounds like your cup of tea, why not make the next step? Contact our Sales & Design Team so we can get you started with a house and land package or custom build.