4 Tips for Choosing a Perth Home Builder

Choosing a Perth home builder can be time consuming but it’s time well spent considering the amount of money involved. When you’re building a home, you’re building your sanctuary for years, if not decades. Generations to come will appreciate the comfort of your dwelling so it pays to be considerate and well-researched during every step of the process.

When building a new home, it’s important to take your time when it comes to decision-making. There should be no compromise on quality (no matter your budget) and your decisions should be based on a criteria that is both economical and practical for your future.

While picking your Perth home builder can be daunting, we have some tips to help you choose ‘the one’ when it comes time to build your dream home…

How to assess home builders in Perth

1. Ask yourself questions

There are questions you should be asking yourself before you even talk to a builder to help avoid any mistakes down the line. The goal when digging deep into the why’s and what’s is to piece together a larger picture of your end goal. Once you’ve determined this, you can communicate your goal to a builder. Questions to ask yourself include:

  • Why am I building a home?
  • What is my budget?
  • What are my goals? 
  • Will I be raising a family in the home? 
  • Am I building for myself or for investment purposes? 
  • Do I have any specific wants for the house? 
  • Are there certain features I want included?
  • Have I researched the area and land I want to build on to better understand my lifestyle when living in the home?

2. Go beyond the price 

Price is hugely important when building a home but a quick glance at an estimated price guide shouldn’t be the only (or major) driving factor when assessing home builders in Perth. The quality, experience, promptness, transparency and efficiency of potential builders will ultimately play a role on the overall cost, so be sure to always factor in these parameters when assessing your options.

Do your research and choose from a selection of builders who fit within the style of home and at a budget that suits you.

In terms of seeking out builders based on your budget, remember there are specialist builders. A high-end builder that’s used to building large custom family homes is unlikely to want to build a home that’s small. Similarly, a first home builder may not be a good fit for a high-end luxurious home as they will likely have a repeat design and business model that prevents them from being competitive. Sometimes first home builders construct simple, easy designs because it can be built quickly, where custom builders pride themselves on a higher quality outcome for the finished product, which may take longer.

3. Communicate

It’s important that you feel comfortable to speak freely with your builder so you can share your thoughts and requirements. More important, however, is your builder’s ability to tune into your frequency to understand what it is you’re trying to communicate. 

Communication is key when it comes to a successful building project. Early on you need to decide exactly what you expect from one another throughout the whole build process. Ideally, you want to communicate with the same person and keep detailed documentation of your agreements. If you don’t understand something your builder is telling you, ask for clarification.

4. Get confident with the ability of Perth’s home builders

A company portfolio is a great start when trying to find a Perth home builder that suits your wants for your home but don’t take pictures as gospel. Ask your builder questions on their portfolio such as how many homes they have built in that style. Drawn designs are one thing but what will give you confidence is seeing that your builder has delivered what you want in the past. If possible, see if you can visit a previously-built home to get a better feel for their craftsmanship. 

Remember that builders often specialise in particular features. Some are perfect for building three-level undercroft homes on sloping blocks while others prefer a simple single-storey display home on a flat block. Some pride themselves on eco-friendly materials and some have big teams to get the job done quickly. You might be considering a multigenerational home that requires separate living areas or a granny flat out the back – if this is the case then choose a builder who is familiar with this style of project. 

5. Assess your level of involvement

Your own personal level of involvement in the build will play an important part in the way you choose a professional builder. If you want to be involved in the project, a small local builder may provide a more personalised service. If you’re content to sit back and let things happen, developing a close relationship won’t be as much of a priority as trust.

Find your ideal home builder in Perth

The goal when building is to choose a builder who can deliver what you want, when you want it, for the price you want and with the level of service you need.

If you need help with your decision-making, talk to the team at Plunkett Homes. When you’re ready to build, we’re ready to listen.

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